Nitrogen and glycerine are being shaken up here,” the former high-ranking government official said.

“The Pakistanis are the small, scared ones. And they might use nuclear weapons as an equalizer. The danger is that the fifty-year dynamic between India and Pakistan is the backdrop for a scenario in which someone could hit a button:..

An interesting piece in the New Yorker on US opinion of our sphere of the globe…

Turban Mania

Dropping more bombs on Afghanistan will only shuffle the rubble, scramble some old graves and disturb the dead.

Arundhati Roy, never one to keep her mouth shut, shares her ‘insight’ into the current situation…

The Man Who Would Be King?

“Americans have different ways of saying things. They say ‘elevator’, we say ‘lift’…they say ‘president’, we say ‘stupid psychopathic git’…”

– Alexi Sayle